Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Obama's friend Kwame

Obama and Kwame, the embattled mayor of Detroit, have been friends for a long time.

Actually it would be better to call them soul-mates. As young, black, idealistic leaders in Chicago and Detroit respectively, they were two peas-in-a-pod as they together sought to change their cities according to their ideas. They were close friends and shared a common vision for "changing" America. Any examination of them reveals that there isn't a penny's worth of difference between both of their visions, work, ideas and goals.

Less than a year ago Obama visited Kwame in Detroit and praised him for being the shining example of what he wanted to see in the future as an ideal mayor of America's cities. Kwame was destined for "greater things".

Yes, that was less than a year ago!

For years they worked their ideas of change together in their two home cities. Working for their vision of what type change they wanted to see in America.

And the results...

The results do indeed shine out clearly...but not as successes! For those of us who have visited South Chicago lately, it is pretty hard to see how Obama's community service work helped that area in any way, shape or form.

Now, wouldn't you think a leader that wants to "change" America as President of this great big country...would have been able to successfully demonstrate some of that "change" in the much smaller neighborhood where he actually conducted his major work?! Yes, it is safe to say that South Chicago is more of a disaster today than it was before Obama began his work there! The murder rate has even increased dramatically!

For Detroit, as mayor, Kwame's work speaks for itself. This mayor has spiraled Detroit downward from one disaster to another. His pathetic antics with the law and in the courtroom have resembled a three-ring circus rather than that of a serious leader. In the few short years of his administration, he has made Detroit the laughing-stock among cities. Yes, it is safe to say that Kwame's work as mayor has also been a disaster, setting Detroit backward by 50 years.

Kwame and Obama...Detroit and South Chicago...two peas-in-a-pod !!!

Their records are clear, the evidence is in...and it is not pretty.

So in summary, the message for everyone in Michigan is:

If you like Detroit with will love Washington DC with Obama !!!

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