Thursday, August 28, 2008

Chicago Thug

Now that we know "Chicago Thug" is what Bill Clinton calls Obama in private, it is worthwhile to explore where this name comes from.

Al Capone of course was the "grandfather" of the Chicago Mafia. His legend of heavy handed thuggery lives on as the epitome of organized crime. Chicago has never been able to free itself of this fame...because it never just went underground and morphed into the political sphere.

For the many, many years under Mayor Daily Sr., Chicago was known as the "Machine" as the crime machine successfully morphed into the political machine. The 1960 election which Kennedy narrowly won, was due in large part to the many dead people who voted under the guidance of Mayor Daily.

Mayor Daily, Jr., his son, has continued the long tradition of his father. Just this past year a criminal investigation moved through his administration and reached all the way up to his Chief of Staff !! The Governor of Illinois, his friend, is even currently under investigation.

Chicago politics; doing what it does best! Intimidation, control!! Why do you think Obama insisted in moving the Democratic headquarters to Chicago !

Make no mistake, Obama is Mayor Daily's latest "man"!! Obama is just the latest manifestation of the Chicago Machine. He is now the One...the Daily Machine is promoting !!

Lest there be any shadow of doubt that this stuff is still going on, Antoin "Tony" Rezko, one of the "current crop of Chicago mafia" has just gone through his trial for corruption. He has been convicted and is scheduled for sentencing Oct 28, which could be prison for up to 200 years.

But gets better, Rezko and Obama have been long time friends going back many years.

But gets better, Rezko is an Arab, a billionaire Iraqi making millions in shady deals throughout the Mideast. (If anyone wonders why Obama came out early against the Irag war, here is your first major clue)

But gets better, Rezko had Obama represent his partners in court.

But gets better, Rezko has help launch Obama campaign for the Presidency contributing thousands of dollars.

But gets better, Rezko and Obama are not only close friends but they lived next-door to each other. (I don't mean in the same neighborhood, but he lived right next to Obama's house. Their very lot lines connect.)

But gets better, Reko and Obama bought this property together...on the same day...right next to each other!! Is that friends...or what !!

Do you suppose there is any...connection between these two?

Why is Bill Clinton, of all people, able to make this connection, when our main-stream media ignores all of this!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Obama's friend Kwame

Obama and Kwame, the embattled mayor of Detroit, have been friends for a long time.

Actually it would be better to call them soul-mates. As young, black, idealistic leaders in Chicago and Detroit respectively, they were two peas-in-a-pod as they together sought to change their cities according to their ideas. They were close friends and shared a common vision for "changing" America. Any examination of them reveals that there isn't a penny's worth of difference between both of their visions, work, ideas and goals.

Less than a year ago Obama visited Kwame in Detroit and praised him for being the shining example of what he wanted to see in the future as an ideal mayor of America's cities. Kwame was destined for "greater things".

Yes, that was less than a year ago!

For years they worked their ideas of change together in their two home cities. Working for their vision of what type change they wanted to see in America.

And the results...

The results do indeed shine out clearly...but not as successes! For those of us who have visited South Chicago lately, it is pretty hard to see how Obama's community service work helped that area in any way, shape or form.

Now, wouldn't you think a leader that wants to "change" America as President of this great big country...would have been able to successfully demonstrate some of that "change" in the much smaller neighborhood where he actually conducted his major work?! Yes, it is safe to say that South Chicago is more of a disaster today than it was before Obama began his work there! The murder rate has even increased dramatically!

For Detroit, as mayor, Kwame's work speaks for itself. This mayor has spiraled Detroit downward from one disaster to another. His pathetic antics with the law and in the courtroom have resembled a three-ring circus rather than that of a serious leader. In the few short years of his administration, he has made Detroit the laughing-stock among cities. Yes, it is safe to say that Kwame's work as mayor has also been a disaster, setting Detroit backward by 50 years.

Kwame and Obama...Detroit and South Chicago...two peas-in-a-pod !!!

Their records are clear, the evidence is in...and it is not pretty.

So in summary, the message for everyone in Michigan is:

If you like Detroit with will love Washington DC with Obama !!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Friends R Us

A wise man once said, "tell me who your friends are and it will tell me who you are.

This saying is especially appropriate today when we look at Barack Obama and his friends. In his book he openly said, "I sought out Marxists" and no where is this point more clear than two of his close friends: Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.

All of us have seen the poster where Bill Ayers is pictured a few years ago standing on the American flag in the Chicago alley, showing his continued and lifelong contempt of the United States system, while living handsomely off our tax-payer dollars. This unrepentent terriorist terrorized America, blowing up police stations, killing innocent people, bombing the Pentagon, etc. It was only a few years ago that he said, "he wished he had done more." He said he had no regrets, including his statements, "kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents - that is where it is really at."

Revolutionary to this day !!

Less people know his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, whose FBI - 10 Most Wanted poster, still hangs in post offices. She led terror activities across America. A heart-less women, here is what she said about the cruel 1969 murders of Sharon Tate/LaBianca:

"Dig it! Manson killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they shoved a fork into a victim's stomach."

These are the nice people who will be having lunch in the oval office of a future President Obama White House.

Just image that sick future scene; where Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn are pleasantly sipping coffee in the Oval Office with the President, satisfied by looking out of the window at the Pentagon, where he set off one of his bombs.

Just think of it; two dedicated communists, self proclaimed, proud, terrorists; both of them close friends with the most powerful man in the world. There they will be, totally free, instead of being in prison for life for the terrorism they still proudly admit they did!

What a long, satisfied laugh they will have!

Friends R Us

Monday, August 25, 2008

Beware of Charismatic Men Who Preach Change

I was inspired by the editorial below to begin this blog for Michigan. It interprets itself and speaks volumes, applying so well to what we are experiencing in America today!

Sadly, no one in Michigan can deny that the State of Michigan has declined dramatically during the last 5-6 years in almost every measurable dimension. We used to be a "powerhouse" in national politics; the other states looked up to us. However, for the last years Michigan has managed to be a one-state recession, with the highest unemployment...and the end is no where in sight.

We in Michigan cringe everyday; just waiting for the next crushing economic or political shoe to drop, and drive us further down into the dustbin of history.

This blog will explore how Michigan got to this point, and how we together can make MICHIGAN GREAT AGAIN!

Beware of Charismatic Men Who Preach Change

Each year I get to celebrate Independence Day twice. On June 30 I celebrate my independence day, and on July 4, I celebrate America’s. This year is special because it marks the 40th anniversary of my independence.

On June 30, 1968, I escaped communist Cuba and a few months later I was in the United States to stay…

I thought a lot about the anniversary this year. The election year rhetoric has made me think a lot about Cuba and what transpired there. In the late 1950’s, most Cubans thought Cuba need a change, and they were right.

So when a young leader came along promising change, every Cuban was at least receptive.

When the young leader spoke eloquently and passionately and denounced the old system the press fell in love with him. They never questioned who his friends were or what he believed in. When he said he would help the farmers and the poor and bring free medical care and education to all, everybody followed. When he said he would bring Justice and equality to all, everybody said, “Praise The Lord.” And when the young leader said, “I will be for change, I will bring you change”, everybody yelled “Viva Fidel.”

But nobody asked about the change, so by the time the executioner’s guns went silent, the peoples guns had been taken away. By the time everyone was equal, they were equally poor, hungry and oppressed. By the time everybody received their free education, it was worth nothing.

By the time the press noticed, it was too late, because they were now working for him. By the time the change was fully implemented Cuba had been knocked down a coupled of notches to Third-World status. By the time the change was over more than a million people had taken to boats, rafts and inner tubes. You call those who made it ashore anywhere else in the world, the most fortunate Cubans.

And now I am back to the beginning of my story.

Luckily, we would never fall in America for a young leader who promised us change without telling us what change! How will you carry change out? What will it cost America?


Manuel Alvarez Jr. Sandy Hook
Editor, Time-Dispatch